First thing you should do? Don’t get overwhelmed. Resist it. Hiring doesn’t have to be a nightmare. Sure, it’s a lot about gathering all this information, collecting resumes, having hiring managers spend hours upon hours into the coming dawn as they’re burning midnight oil and engulfing caffeine just to keep their eyes open, but the fact is hiring is a process.
Squash the nightmare when you refine the hiring process from the ground up!
Be simple and methodical
And you’ll refine the hiring process by following these steps:
#1: Define the stages of your hiring process
It’s easy to fall into the mistake of just “jumping” right into interviewing a bunch of candidates, but opt for a more streamlined approach with this breakdown.
#2: Identify the actual hiring needs for your company
What if you’re hiring a candidate for the wrong reason? What if it turns out you don’t even need that particular role at all? Here’s how to identify the right ones.
#3: The most accurate job descriptions matter the most
Don’t just write up a laundry list of duties you want out of your candidates. Sell the role. And the company. You get the best candidates in the pool by following this methodology.
#4: Be tenacious and collaborative with advertising the hiring of your positions
Look at these three things you should do when posting your hiring opportunities online. Best of all, you’ll learn why all of them are critical.
#5: Don’t neglect the ever-important phone screen
In a way, shortlisting is a dying art form. But here’s why the crucial first call, the “phone screen,” makes a big difference.
#6: Determine what kind of job interview you’re trying to run
Wait, there’s more than one kind? Most definitely! How to conduct any of them also matters. See for yourself what your options are and choose the right kind of process that fits your business best.
#7: Background checks are still relevant
The trick is not making them super-elaborate, labor-intensive or time-consuming. Follow these steps to get them out of the way to ensure you have yourself a great candidate at the later stages of the process.
#8: Crafting the right job offer will also make a big difference
Some professionals might be shocked that sometimes a job offer’s declined. Means lost time and money for you and your hiring team. Here’s how to avoid that possibility.
#9: Don’t make onboarding all about paperwork
Let’s put it this way. Your best foot forward ensures a lower and lower turnover rate, which means less time you’ll have to spend hiring to refill roles. Here’s how you onboard candidates the right way.
Your work then becomes a process in refining the…. Process!
Be thorough and professional
And it’s worth it.
The key is refining the hiring process to simply attract even better candidates. Getting better candidates on board? That means help in making more informed hiring decisions and less time to manage them (because you’re doing them less and less and less!).
You can track your hiring metrics. You can leverage all sorts of hiring tools, like applicant tracking systems, Zoom, Google Meets and Microsoft Teams. You’ll avoid unconscious bias in your interviews, keeping all questions consistent, and best of all — you’ll comply with any federal or state regulations that involve employment law.
So, we repeat: it’s worth it. Put the time and investment in. In the long run, your company benefits wildly!